When he realized something was wrong, the pilot used maximum back stick pressure and rolled slightly left to ensure the aircraft would hit away from the crowd should he have to eject. He ejected when the aircraft was 140 feet above ground -- just eight-tenths of a second before impact. He sustained only minor injuries from the ejection. The aircraft, valued at about $20.4 million, was destroyed. There was no other damage to military or civilian property. The entire flight lasted approximately 25 seconds.
The video that was produced by Glenn Pew has a number of views of the event, including footage from a cockpit camera.
The still photo below was taken by Staff Sargent Bennie J. Davis III, a USAF photographer who was on the observation deck of the control tower. In my opinion, this is without question the finest photo of an aircraft ejection ever taken, and one of my all time favorite aviation photos I have ever seen.

Analysis of ejection sequence
Executive Summary of the Accident Report
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